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Monday, October 1, 2018

Review: Watching You by Lisa Jewell


"Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. 
There's no better rule."
-Charles Dickens, Great Expectations


by Lisa Jewell

Book Review
By Sofie Hern

There are books that feel like you read and read and they never seem to end. There others you wish would never end.  'Watching You' is one of those books you just want to keep reading. My fascination with mystery/thrillers led me to this amazing book. I was so happy to have received this ARC but kept putting off reading it for a few days. What was I thinking? This is such an adrenaline rush of a read! Every page reveals a stunning new detail which is why it’s so difficult to put down! 

'Watching You' is one of the best thrillers I’ve read this year. Written in different perspective and outstanding voices, Lisa Jewell has created her best work yet! Because of my love for thrillers I believe there are times and books that feel too simple for me and a lot of the times the story reveals itself to me half way through the book. This is such a different and refreshing story that grips you from the first page and it does not relent! Twist after twist and turns. I was blindsided so many times that I had to stop reading just to catch my breath!

One of the things I enjoyed most about this book is how very wrong I was when I thought I knew it all. Jewell leads you to believe one thing while something entirely different is about to happen in the next page. Some characters you’ll love and others you’ll hate but then it all twists in a way that makes you question everything!

Each of the characters plays a very special and important role in the story. This book also made me realize that we are often too quick to judge and that not everything you hear or imagine or even see is the truth. While you start to hate a certain set of certain characters, you begin to unravel the mess and end up with a completely different idea of them. Definitely a memorable book and one I recommend without hesitation. Loved it!

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