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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Review: I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella


“One day you will do things for me that you hate. That is what it means to be family.” 
― Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated

My Review

Oh, Sophie Kinsella, you’ve done it again! I am smiling as I write this because this book made me feel absolutely wonderful! I was dealing with a weeks long, heartbreaking, reading slump when I saw this up for request on NetGalley. I cannot tell you how bad I needed a good read –not only a good read but a feel-good, stress reliever of a book! 

Sophie Kinsella is my go-to author when I need a good laugh and I Owe You One did not disappoint! The story follows Fixie, a late twenties-family-loving girl living a simple life working at her family shop.  Fixie knows that family is what matters most but can’t seem to get along with her siblings. She lives her life as her late father had, dedicated to the business and of course family.

Fixie has been in love with her childhood friend, Ryan, and is excited to learn that he has returned to London after a long stay in Hollywood. Fixie’s life, however, changes when she meets Sebastian at a coffee shop and she’s immediately intrigued by him. When Sebastian steps out of the coffee shop for a moment, he leaves Fixie in charge of his laptop. As tragedy is about to strike, she steps in to save the day! She protects the laptop from doom and Sebastian feels he is in debt to Fixie for saving his bacon. Fixie must find herself, her purpose and maybe even love while juggling  family and the business.  

This story has it all! You’ll laugh and cry and will give you a wonderful outlook!

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