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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Review of Once More We Saw Stars by Jayson Greene

“Your memory feels like home to me.
So whenever my mind wanders, 
it always finds it’s way back to you.” 
― Ranata Suzuki


My Review

Jayson Greene

First off I want to say I rarely read memoirs. If ever.  Being an avid reader and passionate about books I know that a book should never be judged by its cover. Well, this changed for me with this one because the first thing that attracted me to this book was the gorgeous cover.  Once I read the blurb I immediately recalled this story which was covered by Inside Edition. I immediately decided I wanted to read it, months before its release. I had it marked on my pub-lendar (yes my very own calendar kept solely for book publications).  I knew this book would give me major feels and wanted to read it slow as to not cause my heart any pain. My plan went out the window the night it was delivered to my kindle.

This is the most beautiful book I have read maybe in my entire life. Certainly, the fact that this is a memoir contributes to this because this is a real, heartbreaking event.

The tears came on the very first page. Stacy and Jayson's pain was immediately felt and my heart broke for them. I read this book in one sitting one night and I do recommend to read this in a quiet place because you will be in tears 80% of the time. I wanted to wait a few days to write my review because the amount of sorrow I felt was too much.

One word I can use to describe Jason Greene’s narrative and voice will be brave. It takes strength and courage to write about the tragic death of a beautiful child. Other than that, I can’t think of any words that can help me describe Jayson and Stacy’s painful journey.

Greta Greene was only two years old when she was killed. She was sitting with her grandmother on a bench outside a building when a lose windowsill brick fell on her, rendering her unconscious.  What follows is a series of events that will forever change the lives of Stacy and Jayson Greene.  They will take us along on a journey of unimaginable grief and despair. Jayson gives us an opportunity to grieve with them as they cope with their overwhelming loss.  I felt completely helpless as I read this book and wanted so much to somehow reach out to the Greene’s and give them a big hug.

Jayson shares with us his memories of Greta and gives an amazing opportunity of gifting us a glimpse of who she was, her personality, her fears and what made her laugh.  What happens when your life has been forever altered in an unimaginable way? Jayson shows us just what it is like, the struggle to survive in a world which no longer makes sense to you. Jayson and Stacy’s journey has been long and painful and I thank them from allowing me to tag along and see how much Greta is loved as her memory continues to live on. 

You can find me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter for more book related content.

1 comment:

  1. I don't read memoirs often either, but maybe I'll give this one a try!


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