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Monday, April 1, 2019

Book Review: How Not to Die Alone by Richard Roper



“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.” 
― Maya Angelou

by Richard Roper

My review:

Have you ever told a lie so big that you felt there was no way out of it? This is precisely what Andrew’s world has become. What started as an innocent lie turns his world upside down when asked to host a dinner party for his co-workers.

First of all let me just be honest and say I had no idea a thing called a ‘council’ existed. A Public Health branch where people search for next of kin for those who have died alone. It turns out there is such a thing and this book takes us into this sad world where a person could be given a funeral for no one to attend. But Andrew, our wonderful hero of this amazing story, does his best to make this sad world a better place -one lonely funeral at a time.

On the surface Andrew seems to have the perfect life. A lovely wife, two wonderful children, a beautiful home and a job where he knows he’s making a difference. In reality things are much more different and complicated for him. At 42, Andrew is aware that his life is not what it could be but has no desire to change.

As we get to know Andrew, we begin to see just how lonely he is. He hides his emotions behind Ella Fitzgerald and his miniature trains. There is something in his past that torments him every time he hears the song ‘Blue Moon,’ by Fitzgerald, which causes panic attacks. It’s heart-breaking to see this wonderful person go through life in such pain!

There he meets Peggy, who is starting a job at the council. Andrew likes to do his job alone so when he is chosen as Peggy’s trainer, he’s not very pleased. This is where his life begins to change. Soon they become friends but Andrew has too many secrets preventing him from living the life he so desperately wants.

This is a wonderful story of friendship and loss. A story about strength, acceptance and the resilience of the human spirit. It will make you laugh and cry. It will break your heart and put it back together. I love how simple yet complicated each character is and how each is developed in a way that works perfectly with Andrew’s story. I wish I had an Andrew in my life, that’s for sure. Beautifully written.

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