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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Review - The Promise Between Us by Barbara Claypole White

5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Without sacrifice, true love is incomprehensible.” 
― Toba Beta


Barbara Claypole White has done it again. In her unique style she has created an unforgettable story of sacrifice, love, restitution and the daily struggles with mental illness. She brings her personal experiences with OCD and incorporates them into this story which makes it that much more relatable. Her understanding of this chronic illness and her passion for advocacy of same has made her one of my most admired author.

The Promise Between Us is set in Raleigh NC and follows Katie Mack, a metal artist, who lives with OCD. Nine years ago, Katie made a decision that changed not only her life, but the lives of the people she loves most. After giving birth to a beautiful baby girl –Maisie, Katie’s OCD is triggered and she is sucked into a whirlpool of intrusive thoughts. She fears she may harm her baby and believes the only way to protect her daughter is by leaving her in the safety of Cal, Katie’s husband.

Nine years later, Katie has gotten her life together. Though her struggles with OCD continue, she has learned to live with the illness and become a highly functional artist. Her new life leads her back to Raleigh where she thought she’d never return. In an amazing twist of fate, Katie encounters her past in the form of beautiful, ten-year-old Maisie.

Katie sees something familiar in Maisie’s mannerisms and apparent anxieties. Katie believes that her daughter is showing signs of OCD and knows she is the only one who can help her daughter. As the story progresses, we learn how Katie’s life was shaped and how she will help shape her daughter’s life. Each of the characters is created and developed beautifully. Maisie stole my heart and Katie is such an inspiration.

I have always enjoyed reading books with multiple POVs. It gives you a broader picture of each of the characters and helps understand why a decision is made and the consequences of those choices. There are after all, two sides to each story. This book now holds a very special place in my heart. I have lived with anxiety and intrusive thoughts my entire life and this book has given me hope. It has given me an understanding of what life can be if we take charge.

There are many forms of OCD and not one is less or more important than the next. OCD does not discriminate, it does not relent and at times it can be overwhelming. Mental Health treatment can be difficult to access as it has been for me for many years but there are a lot of ways to get help. If you or your loved one is struggling with OCD and anxiety, I ask for your patience. Be kind. Take the time to reach out, do research, staying informed is one of the greatest tools. Please visit the International OCD Foundation for more information.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this wonderful review. No, OCD does not discriminate…


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