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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Review - The Invisible Life of Ivan Isaenko by Scott Stambach

4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

“My ability is greater than my disability.” 
― Nikki Rowe

This was a difficult one. One of those books that leave you with an uneasy feeling. I think it’s the fact that I felt helpless throughout the book. I wanted to be able to help these characters and all I could do was read about them. Imagine one of your close friends is suffering and you want to say the right words but you can’t find your voice? That’s what it feels like. 

The book is set in Belarus, Russia and follows the story of Ivan Isaenko. A life-long resident at the Mazyr Hospital for Gravely Ill Children. For reasons unknown, Ivan was born deformed but possesses quite an intellect. He learns about life by reading books and is perhaps the only one who knows more about other patients’ conditions than most doctors at the hospital.

His wit and kind heart have earned him the kindness of Nurse Natalya who has been the only maternal figure that Ivan has ever known. Most of the residents at the hospital do not have the ability to comprehend their surroundings mush less carry a conversation, thus leaving Ivan with no real social life. This changes when Polina, a new patient, takes up residency at the hospital. At first Ivan feels challenged as this new patient possesses all of her senses and body parts awaking in Ivan an immense curiosity toward Polina. 

This story broke my heart into a million pieces and had me hoping for a good ending. The characters are strong and the development of each was a beauty to read. It made me laugh and cry and left me with this uneasy feeling I mentioned before. Don’t get me wrong, this feeling of uneasiness has a positive side. The fact that I wanted so much to help these characters shows what a wonderful job Scott Stambach had done in creating such a powerful story.  If you are a fan of Katherine Dunn’s Geek Love then I guarantee you will love this one. 

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