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Friday, December 29, 2017

My Top Three Books of 2017

“So many books, so little time.” 
― Frank Zappa

If you have visited my Goodreads profile you might have noticed that I have very few books in my ‘favorite’ shelf. I am very selective when it comes to choosing a favorite book. Sometimes I am torn when I have to decide if a book has what it takes to make it to my 'favorite' shelf. In order for a book to make it to my ‘favorite’ folder, it must contain the following:

1 - An emotional ending – If a book makes me sob for hours and hours afterwards, until my eyes feel raw and completely shut!

2 - Memorable characters – Sometimes you read a book that stays with you long after you have finished reading it. I think the reason is mainly due to the characters. In my opinion, a good character will tug at your heart from begin to end. When you feel the character’s pain and go through highs and lows together, a very special connection happens. When you pray that everything turns out okay for them, you know you have encountered a memorable character. 

3 - Attention to detail – A great book will suck you right into a whole different world. The author has taken the time to describe the surroundings in every single page. Few books do this. When you are certain that you are able to smell what the author is describing, or vividly see what the character sees and feel the cold of a winter's night while you sit under a tree, reading this book during a warm summer's day.

Bellow you will find the top three books I read this year. There are so many out there and I was unable to get to a few I wanted to read before the year is over. I was 5 books short of my goal. This are only for books released within the last six months!

I am not a big fan of fantasy. I have nothing against it or those who enjoy it. I don’t recall ever feeling compelled to read it. This book was one exception. I came across this book via Goodreads giveaways and was given to me as an Advanced Readers Copy. It sat on my shelf for weeks until I decided to give it a try. What do I have to lose, right? Boy, am I glad! I found this story refreshing and very entertaining with a very strong message. You cannot escape who you are and where you come from. It’s a wonderful story about destiny, love and family. At times I cried and laugh. I became angry and yelled at the characters! If you are a fantasy fan, or even if you are not, I am 100% sure that you will enjoy this book.

Historical fiction is my weakness! I particularly enjoy reading World War Two historical fiction and this book gave me exactly what I wanted. This book came to me as an ARC via NetGalley. I specifically requested this book after reading the blurb. WOW! This one hooked me from the start. I so enjoy a story about survival through the worst circumstances. I learned a great deal as I followed Nell and her sister Olive on an amazing journey. This book left me with a wonderful feeling inside and when a book manages to leave me wanting more, it makes it my favorite!

This one was in audio format and I think it’s the narration that did it for me. Though the story is fiction, a few events in the story were based on actual events. This book started out with a mediocre main character and I know it may sound mean. Believe me, I know! As the story moves along the character is developed beautifully. I went from “Wow, this character is really annoying.” To “I love you! Please be okay, please!” I am always looking for subtle ways in which the characters are developed and this one caught me completely off guard.  I was not sure when the change happen but the author did an outstanding job with this one. 

Though there were others I enjoyed and would recommend (stay tuned for my top ten, all-time), these three have stayed with me and will remain in my heart for years to come! 

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