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Monday, September 3, 2018

ARC Review - The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain

5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"All you need is love"
-John Lennon


Review by Sofie Hern

WOW- Just, WOW! I finished this beauty in just a few hours. It was impossible to put down as it sucks the reader in from the very first page with an incredible twist right off the bat! Diane Chamberlain  has created a masterpiece. Every one of her books leaves me with such a feel-good attitude but this one takes the cake!

There are only a handful of authors whose books I pick up without reading the blurb.  Diane Chamberlain is one of them. I know what I’m getting when I read her books. I requested this as an ARC as soon as it became available and was ecstatic when my request was granted.

How far will you go to save your child?

The Dream Daughter is an amazing story of love and sacrifice, of hope and… time.  Caroline Sears meets a mysterious man, Hunter, at a hospital where she is doing her residency as a registered nurse.  She finds this man intriguing and from there a friendship is born. Five years later Hunter becomes her brother-in-law.

When Caroline learns that her unborn daughter has a heart defect, she is devastated. Caroline is recently widowed, living in the outer banks of North Carolina with her sister, Patti, brother-in-law, Hunter, and their son, John Paul. For Caroline the future is uncertain with no hope of saving the baby growing inside her. It is 1970 and doctors tell her there is nothing that can be done for her and the baby.

According to Hunter, there is something that can be done for the baby and reveals an unbelievable secret. At first Caroline is in disbelief to learn exactly how she can save her baby and realizes that Hunter’s idea, however bizarre, is the only chance she has.

In a story expanding decades, Chamberlain takes us on an incredible journey of love and shows us just how far –literally and in more ways than one–a mother will go to save her child. This story will pull at your heart strings and leave you wanting more. The characters are developed in such way that you will feel their every pain, cry with and hope right along with them.

This is by far, one of the best books I have read this year and I look forward to adding this to my Diane Chamberlain collection. What a wonderful job she's done.

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