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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Review - Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell

4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go 
but rather learning to start over.” 
― Nicole SobonProgram 13

Then She Was Gone is a steady stream of suspense from the very first page. I was intrigued by the title and sold on the blurb. I am a huge fan of books about disappearances as I am always eager to solve a good puzzle. This book gave me everything I wanted.

The story follows Laurel, a grieving mother of three who is living the worst parents’ nightmare. Her fifteen-year-old daughter Ellie has disappeared without a trace. Ellie, a bright teenager has everything she could ask for: great notes, a handsome boyfriend and a good life at home with loving parents.

When Ellie disappears, Laurel is left to grief a daughter who may or may not be dead. Not only has she lost her daughter but in the midst of her grief, Laurel loses her husband as well. 

With her children grown and in the aftermath of a divorce, Laurel attempts to make a new life. She meets Floyd in a coffee shop and soon a romance emerges. Laurel knows it’s time to move past the grief.

Lisa Jewell’s voice is refreshing and her character development outstanding. She will keep you guessing throughout and when you think you have it all figured out, she will take you in a completely different direction.  

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