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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Review - My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella

4 ✩✩✩✩

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” 
― Wendy Mass, The Candymakers

I was feeling a bit gloomy before I picked up this book. I was looking for a lift-me-up after a rough holiday season. Boy, did I find one! This was my second Sophie Kinsella read. The first was I’ve Got Your Number, which I read a couple of years ago and remember how much it made me laugh like a loon! This was exactly what I needed a few days ago. My Not So Perfect Life made me laugh so hard in the very first chapter and kept me in stitches throughout! Previous to this, I had been reading a lot of historical fiction which could very well have been the cause of my gloom, but I want to give this book the credit it deserves. It took me out of a slump and gave me the emotional lift I so desperately needed. 

The story follows Katie Brenner, a young country girl looking to make a life in London. She has a new job where she hopes to succeed and live the life she always dreamed of. Katie soon learns that ‘making it’ is more difficult than she expected. Her boss is a well known, high class woman who seems to have it all and is not very well liked by her employees. This is who Katie is hoping to become one day. 

I really enjoyed this book and the characters are hilarious! Katie has a tremendous heart and the love for her father is the sweetest thing ever! Characters are developed stupendously and I went from loathing one of the characters to feeling so bad for her! This is what I look for in a good book, the way a character changes right before your eyes!

If you are down and need a lift-me-up, this is the book you need to read. This was my second Kinsella book and I know it will not be the last. Now I know where to go if I need a laugh! Even with the comedy it contains, it also sends a message. Nobody has the perfect life even when it appears otherwise.

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