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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Review: The Night Before by Wendy Walker


“There's nothing stupid about wanting to be loved. Believe me.”
― Nina LaCour, Everything Leads to You

The Night Before
Wendy Walker

The last few pages of this one were a lot more intense than I predicted. What a crazy, twisty read this was! I love a good thriller, especially when I it has me thinking I’ve got it all figured out only to throw me off the path completely. 

This is a story of an emotionally broken woman who is looking for a man who is willing to love her even when she believes she’s unlovable. All her life, Laura Lochner has looked for love in the wrong places and has decided it’s time for a change. She decides to look for love using a dating website. Her fear of finding the wrong man is constantly in her mind but knows she will one day find the one. 

Her decision to meet up with Jonathan Fields, a man she men online, will trigger a series of events which make this book extremely difficult to put down. When Laura doesn’t return home, her sister Rosie begins to worry about what might have happened. Do to Laura’s past; Rosie begins to feel concern not only for Laura but for the man named Jonathan Fields. 

A fast paced read with some great twists. Excellent.

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